Sunday, May 15, 2011

This post was done under the influence of multiple allergy drugs

There’s a new review up on Amazon and Goodreads. I remember this blogger as someone who didn’t get the first couple books because the publisher didn’t ship to Finland, or something like that, so I’m glad she got the fourth book. The other reviews are presumably coming, but usually review bloggers need a month lead time and I think they only got about a week before publication.

I, meanwhile, am bogged down completely in this short story about Mugin and Georgie that I want to release to coincide with book 4. I remember it being an interesting idea six months ago, when I thought of it, but now I am totally uninspired. The other two stories for the mini-collection are very short, so this one should be at least 20,000 words in my opinion. Writing at full speed, I can write 3000 words a day and have it done in a week, but I’m just not writing at full speed. I spent most of last week in an allergenic haze, either drained by allergies themselves or unable to focus thanks to my Allegra/Veramyst/Actifed/Benadryl combo. I spent most of it playing old Super Nintendo games with an emulator. In good news, I finally beat Super Mario World! This is a huge milestone for me, because I as a kid I had to get a babysitter to beat it so I could see the ending.

Now I’m writing again, but not at the speed of light. I’m camping next weekend, and the following week is the Book Expo of America, where I will be there as a Ulysses/Sourcebooks/Harlequin Teen author (my badge says Ulysses), generally seeing what else is being published, picking up some free books, paying too much for a bottle of water ($3.75! Curse you Javitz Center!), and chatting with my editors. So I have that. Hopefully I will have the short story done by the end of the month, and then Brandy needs some time to edit it, and then I can release it in June to coincide with the release of the Kindle version of book 4.

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